Force Free Alliance
Canine Welfare
Science led training that works!
At Force Free Alliance Canine Welfare, we strive to provide a humane, reward-based training methodology to build a relationship of trust and respect between you and your dog. What could be better?

About Force Free Alliance
Canine Welfare
Force Free, Pain Free, Choice based, positive methods
Force Free Alliance Canine Welfare believes it’s never too late to teach new behaviors. Our tailor-made services are designed with you and your dog in mind to ensure results. We believe in working as much with you, to give you the resources to help and understand your dog. Our goal is to provide a long-lasting impact through positive methods.

We follow the 'Do No Harm Principles' - First!-Do No Harm!
If you're unfamiliar with this, it means to teach dogs with a moral code in mind. That code being to teach without pain, shock, force and most of all, without causing harm!
Linda Michaels' 'Do No Harm' Manual guides pet guardians and professionals alike and the Hierarchy of Dog Needs paradigm identifies dogs needs and areas of unmet needs which may be contributing to behaviour difficulties. The manual is a must-have for anyone who works with or cares for dogs in any capacity.
Putting Welfare 1st
Pick up your copy today!

The Heirarchy of Dog needs is available in 12 languages!

This fully online platform allows you to learn the theory behind behaviour so that you can better understand the process and be in a better position to sustain desirable behaviour. We are passionate about animal welfare and have a strong desire to move the dog training field forward, leaving punishments and harsh tools behind. We believe focusing on education is important to truly understand why a behaviour may be happening or why a particular solution to that problem is likely to achieve success.
We want to bring education to the forefront and leave old skool methods behind. I hope that you make full use of this free resource and find it helpful.

Sign our petition to improve the UK Welfare Act 2006. In the UK, suffering is defined as breaching one or more of the 5 identified needs of companion animals. These lawful requirements are;
* Need for suitable environment
* Need for suitable diet
* Need to be housed with or separate from other animals
* Need to be free from pain, injury or disease
* Need to perform normal behaviour patterns
Unfortunately, this is an inadequate set of requirements for 'good enough' care and we are asking for your help to improve welfare standards.

Create an account to make use of the sites free resources, programmes, groups and blog
Engage with other members, ask questions, post videos and share your success
Contact us if you have any questions.
Share media to help document your progress
Contact Us
At Force Free Alliance Canine Welfare, we strongly believe that it’s never too late to change our pet’s behavior. If you have any questions, please feel free to text or email us today.